Usher Board
The Ministry of Church Ushering is a sacred and
powerful responsibility. In order to carry out the duties
and responsibilities of Church Ushering, a Church Usher
must first and foremost be a Christian. A Church Usher
of Church Ushering. A well-trained Church Usher will be
able to master any situation that may come up during a
Church Service.
Church Ushering goes back to the beginning of creation.
God ushered light and called it day, ushered Adam and Eve
into the garden with specific instructions. Abraham ushered
Faithfulness into the world, Moses ushered the children of
Israel out Egypt. God had Moses to organize the great
Usher Organization through the tribe of Levi, called the Levites.
Church Ushers are responsible for the order of the
church service, meaning, that it is conducted without
ny unnecessary interruptions in and around the church.
It is also the responsibility of the Church Usher to make
the guests feel comfortable, safe and welcome while in
our sanctuary.
The South Phoenix Baptist Church Usher Ministry is
composed of three (3) Boards.
Seniors: Sis. Evola Akins, President
Young Adult/Board 2: Sis. Susie Johnson-Bell, President
Young People & Youth: Sis. Jaila Nero, President
Director, Sis. Julia Rodgers
Asst. Director, Bro. John Flynn