
Sis. Delois McCartney is the heart and soul of the Sunday School Department.  Her vast experience and guidance are the stabilizing forces that keep the department operating at the highest level.  Her commitment to Sunday School's role as the education arm of the church ensures our members receive bible-based, Christ-centered lessons we can use for study and application to modern lives.

Delois McCartney, Sunday School Director

Sis. Delois McCartney is the heart and soul of the Sunday School Department. Her vast experience and guidance are the stabilizing forces that keep the department operating at the highest level. Her commitment to Sunday School’s role as the education arm of the church ensures our members receive bible-based, Christ-centered lessons we can use for study and application to modern lives.
2020 marks the fifth year for Sis. Suzette Hicks as Superintendent.  Her dedication to the mission and love of God guide her to push forward with the Sunday School yearly calendar including its various extracurricular programs.  Sis. Hicks is known for bringing innovative ideas that keep our Sunday School fun and exciting.

Suzette Hicks,  Sunday School Superintendent

2020 marks the fifth year for Sis. Suzette Hicks as Superintendent. Her dedication to the mission and love of God guide her to push forward with the Sunday School yearly calendar including its various extracurricular programs. Sis. Hicks is known for bringing innovative ideas that keep our Sunday School fun and exciting.


Delois McCartney – Director,

Suzette L. Hicks – Superintendent,

Stinella Black – Recording Secretary,


Department #1:

Class #1 (Men): Rev . Jerry Center & Rev. W. H. Keener Teachers,

Class #2 (Adult Women #1):  Izella Taylor Teacher,

Class#3 (Adult Women #2): Daisy Hatten & Rev. Gregory D. Foster Teachers,

Class #4 (Adult Men & Women):  TBA

Class #14 (Mixed Group):  Marjorie Hardwick & Dea. Ed McCartney Teachers,

Class #15 (Young Men) Rev. Anthony Reed & Rev. Kenneth Hale Teachers

Department #2:

Group #2 (Young People’s 15-17 & Intermediates 12-14)  Ruby Dirks, Teacher; Sis August Hall, Teacher Asst.

Group #1 (Juniors 9-11 & Primary 6-8) – Julia Rodgers, Teacher Assistant

Preschool & Nursery – Closed for 2020 – 2021

The Mission of the

South Phoenix Missionary Baptist Church

Sunday School is to put

God first in all things.


We honor the Great Commission outlined in

Matthew 28:18-20, to create disciples of Christ by providing a strong foundation in Christian education for all students.


Our teaching program consists of Bible-based curriculum, prayer, worship, music,

and service to our Church.


Through this Sunday School

Teachers and Students alike, strive to grow together in faith, love, and wisdom.


We recognize that we can do all things

through Christ who strengthens us.

(Philippians 4:13)



Mission Statement Adopted July 1, 2016